Inspired by today's Ways to Use it Challenge on SCS (WT128--make a Halloween Card) this candy bar holder is for my upcoming Masking, Distressing and other Ghoulish Delights class. I think the Almost Amethyst cardstock looks "spooky" with the Old Olive, Only Orange and Black for some reason. :)
It is very easy to make this little box. Cut your 8-1/2 X 11 inch Only Orange cardstock in half at 5-1/2 inches. Next, cut at 6-1/2 inches to create a 5-1/2 X 6-1/2 inch rectangle. Next, score the 5-1/2 inch side at 1/4 inch to create the bottom of the box. Then, score the 6-1/2 inch side at 2-3/16 inches, 2-7/16 inches, 4-11/16 inches and 4-15/16ths.
Use a circle punch to create a notch in the front piece to allow the candy bar to be seen. Using sticky strip, attach the long sides tucking the smaller piece inside. Cut the four scores at the corners of the bottom folds. Next, fold the back piece (with the two layers that are adhered together) in and apply sticky strip to the top/outside of the cardstock. Then, fold the tiny squares in on top of it and finally, fold the outer portion in toward the sticky strip to glue it all together. Finish it off by decorating your candy bar holder for the upcoming season.