
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Time Well Spent

Our demo gift this year is the Time Well Spent set. It will be a Level 3 Hostess Set in the New Spring and Summer 2008 Stampin' Up! catalog. It is a very large set (12 stamps) and is nicely versatile I think.

Here are the first three cards I've made with it. The first one was for a Featured Stamper Challenge on SCS. The designer of the card I CASE'd (while changing the stamp set and some small details)was Shelly Kuck/papermoon04 on SCS. The second card was for the Stalker/Challenge Chasers Sketch Challenge on SCS (sketch by SCS ID debdeb), and the third was for Sherry and JeanneS's blog challenge and the Saturday Inspiration Challenge. Not sure I can make a card without a challenge again! Now I need to make a Thank You card to send to Stampin' Up!


  1. Great cards Rhonda! Love you colors, and layouts ;)

  2. Hi Rhonda. Thanks for the nice comment about my blog a while ago. I wanted to see your cards you made with Time Well Spent and I have to say working on these was "Time well spent!" These are great! I see a CASEING in my future!


  3. I absolutely love that second card and the colors you used. You're very talented!

    You've been tagged....
    The rules of the game:
    • Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
    • Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, we all want to know them.
    • Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
    • Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

  4. wow...way to go. I can not get my cards to be so great when I use this set!


Thank you for your comment, Stampin Friend!