
Saturday, March 10, 2007

First Post :)

Happy Birthday to my little one-year-old, Sara today!....Her party is tomorrow, and I decided this card from last week's Inspiration Challenge could serve as her card.

My older daughter, Emma, and I made wrapping paper for her gift for Sara using this same little Monkey Business monkey and the accessories from Hip Hip Hooray with the hibiscus flower from Do the Hula....She was very proud of her work!

(images copyright Stampin' Up!)


  1. That is too cute! Hard to believe she is one! Wow! I can't wait to see all your fantastic work on here!

  2. SOOO CUTE!! Really wish I would've gotten this set. (was it in a mini, or the big one?) I really admire all your artistic creations. Thanks for all the comments you leave in the gallery. :0)


Thank you for your comment, Stampin Friend!